Forklift Operator Refresher Training

This 12-hour Forklift Operator Refresher Training course comprises of 4 hours of self-paced e-learning and an 8-hour in-person workshop for forklift operators to refresh their skills, knowledge and attitude towards forklift operation.

We will need to verify if Candidate has prior forklift License (Can be sent via email to or candidate must bring along his/her forklift license during the course for verification)

It is mandatory for forklift operators to attend refresher training every 3 years (taking effect from 1 Jan 2027)

Course Fee

  • $200.00 (excl GST)

  • $218.00 (incl GST)

3 Easy Ways to Register

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course, learners shall be able to: 
•    Strengthen operator’s knowledge on key WSH Legislation & Singapore Standards (SS573) on forklift operations and highlight the implications of non-compliance;
•    Enhance operator’s competency in interpreting and applying the load chart to ensure safe and effective forklift operation;
•    Reinforce the forklift stability fundamentals essential for safe forklift operation during travelling, loading and unloading;
•    Refresh on the knowledge of conducting pre-operational and post-operational checks to maintain forklift functionality and reliability;
•    Refresh on safe operation techniques and compliance requirements;
•    Reinforce operator’s awareness of common safety lapses and their consequences by referencing real past accident cases;
•    Instil strong understanding of safety rules i.e. essential DOs & DON'Ts to ensure safe practices by operator.


  • Galmon Academy will issue safety pass to those who attended and passed the course.

  • Validity: 3 years


  • 37 Tuas Avenue 2, Singapore 639465


Self-directed learning: 4 hours e-learning and formative assessment (must be completed before the course date)

Onsite learning: 08:30am to 18:30pm (incl practical assessment)


  • English

Assumed Skills and Knowledge & Course requirements

  • Be able to interpret work instructions and technical information

  • Ability to listen, speak, read and write the relevant language at proficiency level equivalent to Employability Skills System (ESS) Level 3 and above

  • Ability to manipulate numbers at Employability Skills System (ESS) Level 3 and above

  • Learner must have had attended a forklift course previously to qualify for the refresher course.


Required Hardware & Software

  • The 4 hour e-learning theory content will be conducted asynchronously
  • Learner must have a laptop/desktop or smart phone/tablet with internet access

  • Learner must have an email address that he/she is able to access anytime

Government subsidies: (if applicable)

  • Skills Development Fund
  • SkillsFuture Credit
  • Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit

About Galmon Academy

Galmon Academy is a 6,700sqm, two-storey building located in Tuas, It has both outdoor and indoor practical training areas, 11 air-conditioned classrooms as well as a 300pax auditorium, ideal for holding safety talks and forums.

Our WSQ courses are accredited by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and recognized by Ministry of Manpower (MOM). We also conduct internationally recognised courses by bodies such as the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and the Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA).